
Communicate Science

.. pursues the concept of youth-related knowledge transfer
– not to teach, but to arouse interest! –

The aim of all projects is to bring the young people in contact with the natural sciences in an interesting way and then to give them the freedom (as well as the opportunity) to continue to deal with it on their own initiative or not.

Young people today are all too often prescribed what they should do. At the same time, however, the possibilities to find, develop and pursue their own interests are becoming increasingly rare Current developments will temporarily exacerbate this trend.
It is also difficult to get free learning material if you are a young person and want to learn science and analytical chemistry. “Communicating Science” would like to take this into account and enable new paths with the following projects:

Projects for young people & students

There are many scientific events for adolescents and young adults in Germany. Events such as girls days, school days and long chemistry nights take place in almost all major cities. As part of our ‘Communicate Science’ project, we offer the following online tools in addition to a series of events:

exciting articles & fun facts about science chemistry & research

Interesting analytics for trainees and chemistry students

Information on chemical substances and evaluation options with new mass spectrometric techniques

The Kids University on Road

AFIN-TS GmbH offers the so-called ‘Kids University on Road’ for primary schools and other school facilities.

We come to your school for free and give a lecture for the whole school and then discuss with you on various scientific topics.

The aim of the initiative is to arouse children’s interest in chemistry and analytics through exciting lectures and demonstrations.

The kindergarten sponsorship

This project would like to carry the researcher’s profession into the kindergartens and not only inspire the children with impressive experiments once a year, but also “plant” the knowledge that “research” can be carried out as a profession.

Please support this campaign by becoming a lecturer and make children’s faces sparkle.

All lecturers receive documents on the implementation, are included in a sponsorship list and receive a certificate of participation.

Would you like more experience as a researcher?

Would you like to find out more about our research projects for children and young people, would you like to invite us to your school, or do you have any suggestions for our online pages? If you have any questions about our lifeblood projects, please contact us.

We look forward to your inquiry!